Karen Brody

The Company

Karen Brody, best selling author and renowned relationship coach for men, helps men recover from a lack of sexual confidence and understanding of women.  With Karen’s guidance, men who suffer from sexual shame and failed relationships can harness their power and gain the desire they deserve from the woman in their life. Karen’s best selling book, Open Her teaches men how to embody the 7 masculine archetypes to engage women in a deeper and more passionate dance of love.

The Product

Karen Brody came to us seeking search engine optimization for her newly built WordPress site. She was not ranking on Google searches when people Google’d “Open Her,” “Karen Brody,” or other search terms.

When we started optimizing her website with Yoast, we found the previous developer had used a combination of <a href=”https://en.support.wordpress.com/shortcodes/”>shortcodes</a>, <a href=”https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/getting-started-with-acf/”>advanced custom fields</a>, and hard coding. This combination of coding resulted in a poor quality content management system and made any optimization nearly impossible.

The Solve

We wanted to make Karen’s LoveandIntimacyCoach.com speedier and more user-friendly, so she can easily go in and make updates as needed. We also needed to build the site to give Digiboost™ the ability to optimize the content in WordPress. Our developer made a theme conversion, keeping the same design, but building on GeneratePress and using Usemantic. This pairing of the Unsemantic system along with the GeneratePress Theme, allowed us to create a website that is optimized for page speed. We added a content delivery network (CDN), enabled caching, and cut the number of requests in half.

As a result of the optimization and theme conversion, we were able to get the website to load in 1.4s versus 3.4s before. We increased the PageScore from 2% to a whopping 96% and decreased the size of the web page from 8.62MB to 1.07MB.

Karen Brody

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