Hands typing on the keyboard. Digiboost is here to help you in your keyword strategy.

Selecting the perfect keywords stands as a critical cornerstone in achieving search engine optimization (SEO). While boosting website traffic remains a priority, drawing in the precise audience becomes an outright necessity. It may require time and diligent research to pinpoint the most impactful keywords that resonate with your target market, but the payoff promises to be rewarding. Delving into the task of choosing the ideal keywords for your brand reveals an array of scenarios, each requiring distinct strategies. Let’s explore some of the most common ones.

Scenario 1: Identifying Keyword Opportunities from Scratch

If you haven’t yet pinpointed any keyword opportunities, the first step is to conduct thorough keyword research. Begin by collaborating with subject matter experts or sales team members to compile a list of terms that have proven effective in presentations and pitches.

However, remember that not all terms that work well in spoken contexts are suitable for digital audiences. Test the terms from your list with your target audience to gauge their recognition and understanding. Those instantly recognized and understood without explanation could be great search terms to target.

The next phase involves further research to identify highly searched or general keywords that complement your branded terms. Conduct incognito searches to see the results and assess whether the content aligns with your brand’s objectives and addresses your target audience’s needs. This validation process will ensure you’re on the right track.

Scenario 2: Adapting to Brand or Industry Changes

If your brand or industry has undergone changes, you might need to phase out outdated and unwanted keywords on your website. Suppose you’ve rebranded or renamed your brand. In that case, it’s crucial to implement a multifaceted approach, which includes outreach, new content creation, marketing efforts, repetition, and personal conversations.

Involve your audience in the changes gradually rather than abruptly rearranging everything. Replace old keywords with updated ones over time to ensure your existing audience feels included in the new narrative. Create content explicitly addressing the brand/term change, using this as an opportunity to educate your audience while introducing both old and new keywords.

Scenario 3: Incorporating Identified Keywords into Your Strategy

If you have a set of terms, some from your brand’s existing language and others new to your strategy, it’s time to integrate them into your content to educate and engage your audience effectively.

A sound strategy is to blend your preferred terms with non-branded keywords that have high search volumes. Utilize various platforms, such as social media, blog posts, guest-contributed articles, and infographics, to disseminate your message and help the new story take root. Don’t shy away from using multiple terms in your content to acclimate your audience to new phrases and associate highly searched keywords with your brand identity.

After publishing, review your on-site content and web pages to assess whether they are ranking for your target keywords. If you don’t see the desired rankings or encounter incorrect keywords ranking, analyze these pages objectively and make on-page updates to ensure your content aligns with your intended message.

SEO is a continuous, long-term strategy. As industry trends evolve and your audience’s knowledge and experience grow, so will your list of relevant keywords. Embrace the process of discovering new terms your audience resonates with and incorporate them, alongside your preferred keywords, to foster the continuous growth of your brand.

Remember, selecting the right keywords is an ongoing endeavor. Stay vigilant, keep adapting, and watch your brand flourish as you connect with your audience through powerful keywords. Don’t hesitate to contact Digiboost to help you in your keyword strategy.

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